Saturday, August 16, 2008

Went for a full-medical checkup at Raffles Hospital yesterday in the afternoon. OH MY GOD! It was sooooo loooonnnnggg. Registered at 2.30 and was done at 6pm! Just glad to know that at the end of it all, my health's fine and dandy. Hope I get to go for the course in November now that my medical went well. Hope its worth it!
Today, was hope the whole morning, but was at Mak Tamah's place for pre-fasting prayers. Met up with relatives. Oh my, couldn't recognise so many of the nephews and nieces! They've all grown up. Makes me feel so old.
Dad was asking all to email me their family details, he wants to restart the family tree thingy again. Well, we all know its gonna be my project at the end of the day since he has got no clue how to use the PC. Glad I've got the family tree program. Hope it pulls true this time. Gonna just veg-out in front of the TV now. Maybe watch the silly show, Bedazzled. Cheerio.

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