Friday, August 8, 2008

Things went well today. The games were well involved & most importantly, no hick-ups. Just glad it went smoothly although the weather looked kinda iffy at one point. Ever so grateful to te bunch of sports leaders. THEY ran a lovely show. All was done by 10.30am. Took a bite and left.

Went right on to sort out the Head-up display for the planned. Got it back by 2. Still not used to the speedo on the windscreen but definitely helpful. For the price, no complaints.

Went for a brilliant lunch at Olio's Holland V. The Teriyaki Pizza is a must try! Its oh so yummy. I WANT MORE!!!

Was home by 5 & crashed. Gaining on much needed rest. Hmmm, wonder what to do this weekend. If I'm not out of town, then maybe blading, golfing and maybe even shoot some hoops. Feel like clubbing. Maybe to MOS or something tomorrow. Should be a blast!

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