Sunday, August 3, 2008

Here's to a new beginning:

Oh my. Its been a long while since I last wrote anything....

Instead of continuing from where I left off from my previous site, I thought, hey, let the past remains the past. Lets talk about the present, and maybe the future.

Nothing much happened this week, was pretty much sick as a dog throughout the week. Just tired, I guess.

Having said that, I had the most wonderful birthday surprise that my girls gave me. Just when I thought that my Thursday was going to be same-O same-O, the girls decided to give me a surprise, starting off with a fake injury, right after a good workout.....nice!

Feeling so much better now thanks to a restful weekend. I slept, and I slept......

Not trilled about the coming week, but hey, work is work.

Maybe I shall plan out something for next weekend....gonna be a great long weekend.... I hope.

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