Thursday, August 7, 2008

Man, another long day. Got home only at 9pm. Another early bus day tomorrow but thank god it'll be short....well, relatively. Maybe a good chance to sort out the car....hehe.

Had a chat with the girls. Morale was low. Somehow, lotsa post training crying. Just happy to see that they were laughing as training continues. I'm sure they kept whatever feelings inside but the fact that they can laugh shows that they can get over it. Hid was bumped that her Mr. K knew about her feelings. Now she's afraid they'll feel uncomfortable when together now the truth is out. If only she could see that if they're real friends, they'll remain that way.....for a long time.

Hah, the good'ol time when you're young. Miss those days.....not that I'm not enjoying mine of course.

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