Saturday, August 9, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!! Having said that.....its storming outside. Really wonder how the parade will carry on???

Very relaxing day. Its "Fix my guitar day" today. So far, so good. Need to get 2 clamps before joining back the bridge. Can't wait for it to be fixed.

Wish I can play & perform again with the the good'ol days, playing in pubs, gigs or even jamming by the beach. Wonder how life would be if we took the route of being performers. Can't be easy. Can't believe that a policeman, a pilot, a teacher and an engineer once dreamt of being performers.

Looked around the other day and can't seemed to find our album on the shelves. Don't think its fully sold out....probably the shops decided to bin it, knowing nobody in their sane mind would pay money to listen to us. Hehe. Still....this may sound egotistical, but I think we WERE really good.

Ah well, as I always say......LIFE GOES ON......

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