Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The weather was horrible today. Hot.....real hot!

Trobbing head subsided for a while but is now back with vengence. Why can't it just go away.

Fortunately, the day was fruitful. Much was done, although I planned to do more. Well, I'm happy. Managed to give all the girls each a handphone strap thingy. Hope they liked it. It was special, since it was made by a very skillful Down Syndrome girl, selling her artefacts at Vivocity. She reminds me so much of Andy....well, they sure have a lot in common. Maybe I can suggest the same thing for Andy to try.

Saw an ad in the internet for a return flight to Bali this weekend for $400 with taxes. Very tempting. Well, just gonna lay back, rest & decide on a short getaway this weekend and maybe enjoy an episode of Son of the Beach. I should have an early night.

Gonna be another long day tomorrow. May burn my free time for work. Ah well, work is work.

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