Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Not the best of days.....

Early in the morning, got up & somehow grabbed my PSP & brought it into the bathroom. Somehow tripped and it fell into the toilet bowl. Yup, it died!!! Crap! Didn't help I gave the other piece to the niece the other day. So, no more PSP for me.....until I get a replacement. Getting it dried now. Placing it in a tight place with a dehumidifier. Hopefully it'll dry any unneccesary water before testing. I'll leave it till tomorrow before trying.

Tiring day at work.....some people just don't see that DATELINE IS NEAR! The need to understand that DATELINE MEANS DATELINE thus they need to rush through....

Fortunately had a lovely dinner at Breeks Changi Airport T2. The food was good, as usual but have to say that the service was exceptional! KUDOS TO BREEKS! Never fail to amaze me.

Ah well, watching Frazier on FX. Feeling sleepy......nighty nite....

Monday, August 25, 2008

Talk about falling sick... was worst of all yesterday. Had fever of 38degrees. Yup. its that high. Strangly enough, temperature went down by noon, although still within fever range. Doesnt help that migraine was back with vengence. Could barely move, what more get up to do anything. Was pretty much fed in bed....at least till the afternoon. What bug is floating around. Just glad I'm better today.
Yup, was up and going today, although not 100%. Fuse was short & I feel many can see. Need to recover fast. Need to be fit for Bangkok trip. Yup. Yup. Yup.
Few days to go......ENDURE!!!!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Man....its busy again. Its seems more have dropped by. Hi to those coming for the 1st time.

There's been a big Hoo-Haa about me blogging. Why do I blog anyway? Well, just an outlet, I guess.

Finally got my holidays booked...both for next week and in December. Yup, December. Booked with Raj again & yes, going up Everest again. I think I'm nuts! Gotta go through those tedious treks, dreadful cold, scary, thread thin bridges.....but just for the view, BRING IT ON! Ah, how I remember the view. Just need to remember this time to get myself a better camera. One that does not freeze when temperature dips below zero. Will I make it to Everest Base Camp? I don't know. Maybe just to Khumjung, that's already more than 3000m up. Why am I doing this again? Ah yes....the view.

Raj said that he'll try to hook up with the teachers from Edward Hillary School, up there in the mountains and see if I can have a chance to teach those kids again for 1/2 a day. Hope I can do it again.

Gonna have a long day tomorrow. Just glad I had a good rest this afternoon. Have I recovered? NO....but at least better. Feel sorry for the girls that I can't be there for training...again. But I was too sick. Could barely stand without support. Can't believe how sick I am. Just burning out, I guess. Makes me wonder, SHOULD i STILL HANG ON TO THIS JOB? Only time can tell...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Was hope most of today, except to Parkway Parade for groceries and some cables for my videocam. Sent the car for the carwash but ir actually stormed on the way home. So, the dirt on the car is back to square one. Crap.
Felt tired today. Had a long nite yesterday. Went to MOS (Ministry of Sound). It was good but just not quite it. Miss the MOS in London.....those were the good'ol days. So many teenagers there, all so young. Or maybe just cause I'm getting old! HAHA....
Sure miss CENTRO and its music. Can't beat that club. Why did they close it. Maybe another club next week before the fasting starts....
Planning for a trip to Bangkok in 2 weeks time. Lets see how it goes.....

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Went for a full-medical checkup at Raffles Hospital yesterday in the afternoon. OH MY GOD! It was sooooo loooonnnnggg. Registered at 2.30 and was done at 6pm! Just glad to know that at the end of it all, my health's fine and dandy. Hope I get to go for the course in November now that my medical went well. Hope its worth it!
Today, was hope the whole morning, but was at Mak Tamah's place for pre-fasting prayers. Met up with relatives. Oh my, couldn't recognise so many of the nephews and nieces! They've all grown up. Makes me feel so old.
Dad was asking all to email me their family details, he wants to restart the family tree thingy again. Well, we all know its gonna be my project at the end of the day since he has got no clue how to use the PC. Glad I've got the family tree program. Hope it pulls true this time. Gonna just veg-out in front of the TV now. Maybe watch the silly show, Bedazzled. Cheerio.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Was on MC today. Migraine was bad, till I couldn't get up. Think its partly due to the usual August stress. What can I expect, lots of work.... hope the girls trained well today. Wonder how the kids projects went too....

Was at home, somehow thinking of Nepal. Can't wait for another trip there at the end of the year. Still wondering if I shall trek again. The last trip up to EBC (Everest Base Camp) was crazy, but real fun. Can't believe I lost a total of 15kg just going up and down the mountain. Having said that, gained it back within a few weeks too. The trip to Nagarkot, my god, the good food.....hehe.

Here's some pics from that trip... in no particular order though

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Glad to inform that the National Day Parade went well yesterday. Weather cleared up & it was quite a spectacle.....although I watched it on TV. Was on the Sheares Bridge when the fireworks went off. Was on the way to Metro, Paragon actually. Was bored being home.

Stayed in most of today. Weather was perfect for staying-in. Was watching 1 dvd to another. Alas, got bored and went for dinner at Apollo Banana Leaf. It was good..... Had a haircut before that at Millenia Walk and bought heavenly donuts. Got a dozen for 1/2 the price. Gave 1/2 dozen donut to the neighbours. Hope they liked it.

Just got done the final TfU assignment. Woohoo!!!... Now, to just wait for my diploma from Harvard....hehe. Can't believe that I once was a school drop-out.....

Well, gonna watch Hitch. Cheerio....

Saturday, August 9, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!! Having said that.....its storming outside. Really wonder how the parade will carry on???

Very relaxing day. Its "Fix my guitar day" today. So far, so good. Need to get 2 clamps before joining back the bridge. Can't wait for it to be fixed.

Wish I can play & perform again with the guys.....like the good'ol days, playing in pubs, gigs or even jamming by the beach. Wonder how life would be if we took the route of being performers. Can't be easy. Can't believe that a policeman, a pilot, a teacher and an engineer once dreamt of being performers.

Looked around the other day and can't seemed to find our album on the shelves. Don't think its fully sold out....probably the shops decided to bin it, knowing nobody in their sane mind would pay money to listen to us. Hehe. Still....this may sound egotistical, but I think we WERE really good.

Ah well, as I always say......LIFE GOES ON......

Friday, August 8, 2008

Things went well today. The games were well involved & most importantly, no hick-ups. Just glad it went smoothly although the weather looked kinda iffy at one point. Ever so grateful to te bunch of sports leaders. THEY ran a lovely show. All was done by 10.30am. Took a bite and left.

Went right on to sort out the Head-up display for the car....as planned. Got it back by 2. Still not used to the speedo on the windscreen but definitely helpful. For the price, no complaints.

Went for a brilliant lunch at Olio's Holland V. The Teriyaki Pizza is a must try! Its oh so yummy. I WANT MORE!!!

Was home by 5 & crashed. Gaining on much needed rest. Hmmm, wonder what to do this weekend. If I'm not out of town, then maybe blading, golfing and maybe even shoot some hoops. Feel like clubbing. Maybe to MOS or something tomorrow. Should be a blast!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Man, another long day. Got home only at 9pm. Another early bus day tomorrow but thank god it'll be short....well, relatively. Maybe a good chance to sort out the car....hehe.

Had a chat with the girls. Morale was low. Somehow, lotsa post training crying. Just happy to see that they were laughing as training continues. I'm sure they kept whatever feelings inside but the fact that they can laugh shows that they can get over it. Hid was bumped that her Mr. K knew about her feelings. Now she's afraid they'll feel uncomfortable when together now the truth is out. If only she could see that if they're real friends, they'll remain that way.....for a long time.

Hah, the good'ol time when you're young. Miss those days.....not that I'm not enjoying mine of course.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The weather was horrible today. Hot.....real hot!

Trobbing head subsided for a while but is now back with vengence. Why can't it just go away.

Fortunately, the day was fruitful. Much was done, although I planned to do more. Well, I'm happy. Managed to give all the girls each a handphone strap thingy. Hope they liked it. It was special, since it was made by a very skillful Down Syndrome girl, selling her artefacts at Vivocity. She reminds me so much of Andy....well, they sure have a lot in common. Maybe I can suggest the same thing for Andy to try.

Saw an ad in the internet for a return flight to Bali this weekend for $400 with taxes. Very tempting. Well, just gonna lay back, rest & decide on a short getaway this weekend and maybe enjoy an episode of Son of the Beach. I should have an early night.

Gonna be another long day tomorrow. May burn my free time for work. Ah well, work is work.
Yesterday was bad. Woke up in the morning with a splitting migraine. Felt horrible throughout the day. It’s amazing how short my fuse was each time I’ve got a migraine. Thank god I killed nobody. Yelled at many though…..hehe.

Left as soon as I could, got home & rested. Felt a little better in the evening but worsen as the sun sets. Slept with a throbbing head.

This morning was no better. Migraine still there. Wonder what caused it. Ah well, very much needed today so can’t stay home.

For once, the rumble from my modded car felt like a nuisance. Blasted some classical music. Weird, but did the trick.

Its only 10am & I’m dreading. Can’t wait to go home & rest some more…..too bad its gonna be a long day for me….

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Here's to a new beginning:

Oh my. Its been a long while since I last wrote anything....

Instead of continuing from where I left off from my previous site, I thought, hey, let the past remains the past. Lets talk about the present, and maybe the future.

Nothing much happened this week, was pretty much sick as a dog throughout the week. Just tired, I guess.

Having said that, I had the most wonderful birthday surprise that my girls gave me. Just when I thought that my Thursday was going to be same-O same-O, the girls decided to give me a surprise, starting off with a fake injury, right after a good workout.....nice!

Feeling so much better now thanks to a restful weekend. I slept, and I slept......

Not trilled about the coming week, but hey, work is work.

Maybe I shall plan out something for next weekend....gonna be a great long weekend.... I hope.