Saturday, November 8, 2008

Only a few days to go before Nepal. Still haven't gotten my trekking boots. Saw a gorgeous pair. Should be getting it one of these days. Just blew $200 for an Osprey bag. Well, needed something sturdy! Can't wait for the trek....

Was thinking of the talk with the kids the other day, about giving a helping hand to the needy in Nepal. They showed so much interest. I know it's difficult to bring them there, but imagine if I could. With their youth and enthusiasm, they could do so much. All I wanna do is to help make these kids see that life is more than just Ipods, hanging out and school. You can find so much satisfaction in helping others in need. I know it has kept me alive....only GOD knows what I mean.

Well, 1 bag of goodies for the Nepali school is ready. Can't wait to see the look on the kids faces when they get their gifts. Hope I've packed enough....

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