Monday, November 3, 2008

My oh my...its been exactly a month since I last posted. Man I've been busy. Its amazing how much one have to do to stay alive.

Was just thinking the other day how little I needed to get by, happily in the past. Now, I have to slog, work really hard, get stressed, fall sick, just to get more money. For what? So that I can pay for the medical bills when I fall sick? To buy stuff for myself so that I feel happy? Go on extensive holidays so that I forget about the crap I went through at work, so that I can move on to the next phase?

If only I can learn to live with less, to lead a simpler life. I can only hope. Well, at least now, I know some of these money can help others who need it more....the ALFIMRAN bursary, the occasional treats to the kids and the school in Nepal, Kathmandu....

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