Thursday, November 27, 2008

Just less than 24hrs before Nepal. Not in the best of health today, guess due to continuous work right down to yesterday. Just plain worn out really. I've actually got somemore stuff to do, but just can't give a toss. As I've said, I'm just plain tired.

Flight's gonna be at 8 so gotta make sure I'm up early. Haven't packed though. Haha....will have to start real soon. Bought pretty much most of the things needed for the trek. Sure hope I remember to bring all of them stuff needed.

Really hope the camera doesn't freeze this time round...wish me luck!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The girls will be going for their Hoops Camp tomorrow. Hope they'll pick up as much as possible. They really love the game. Guess this is the best I can do for them.

Well, 2 more weeks to Nepal. I can't wait! Just got my trekking shoes. Just a Hi-tec ones. Well within my budget and definitely enough for the trek. Guess its almost sorted. Just need to get the camera next weekend.....and then I'm all set! Woohoo!!!

Someone smsed the sweetest thing for me. Expressing how grateful she is to GOD for my presence. It really makes my day. I'm as much grateful to her presence as she is to mine. Thanks dear....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A little concerned about a person close to heart.......

Sometimes in life, you work hard in what you believe in, and against all odds, get what you've worked for. Then the inevitable happens, your world crumbles. It is hard to move on and you cling on to what you've had, believing that it could change the world to what it was before. You want it to be like how it was......but you can't. From what I've learn my School of Hard Knocks.....

  • The one who loves you will not make you cry alone at night thinking about them. They will be right beside you telling you it will be alright.
  • Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. Treasure the memories, and not mourn the past.
  • The way to love anything, is to realize it can be lost.
  • Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
Hope these few words can help those who needs to move on.....

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Only a few days to go before Nepal. Still haven't gotten my trekking boots. Saw a gorgeous pair. Should be getting it one of these days. Just blew $200 for an Osprey bag. Well, needed something sturdy! Can't wait for the trek....

Was thinking of the talk with the kids the other day, about giving a helping hand to the needy in Nepal. They showed so much interest. I know it's difficult to bring them there, but imagine if I could. With their youth and enthusiasm, they could do so much. All I wanna do is to help make these kids see that life is more than just Ipods, hanging out and school. You can find so much satisfaction in helping others in need. I know it has kept me alive....only GOD knows what I mean.

Well, 1 bag of goodies for the Nepali school is ready. Can't wait to see the look on the kids faces when they get their gifts. Hope I've packed enough....

Monday, November 3, 2008

Think I'm on a roll. Was cleaning up when saw some old pictures.....hehe. This'll be embarassing, but definitely worth remembering.

1st up, a group picture of the Tutors and Tutees Club of Queenstown Secondary Technical School. Believe this was back in 1996. Try and spot me...
Here's a picture of me during a tennis circuit (must be, since I'm dark as hell). Think it was in Thailand. I was in Sec 3. Was I that blur looking? Was I that thin??
Here's some random pictures back when I was in the UK....
This is Amos and I in Loughborough Town Centre.....
Bhim & I in Old Trafford....this was taken during one of the winter holidays....where a bunch of us decided to cover ALL football stadiums in the UK....and we actually did it in less that a week!
Here's Os and Thi Thu during a Christmas party.....
Here's Thi Thu and I after graduation. Yup, she was there. For those who wonders who she is.... she was a big part of my life back in the UK. Ah well, life goes on....
That's for now. Will post some more pictures.....

My oh my...its been exactly a month since I last posted. Man I've been busy. Its amazing how much one have to do to stay alive.

Was just thinking the other day how little I needed to get by, happily in the past. Now, I have to slog, work really hard, get stressed, fall sick, just to get more money. For what? So that I can pay for the medical bills when I fall sick? To buy stuff for myself so that I feel happy? Go on extensive holidays so that I forget about the crap I went through at work, so that I can move on to the next phase?

If only I can learn to live with less, to lead a simpler life. I can only hope. Well, at least now, I know some of these money can help others who need it more....the ALFIMRAN bursary, the occasional treats to the kids and the school in Nepal, Kathmandu....